sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

GOAL 6.1 Assessing on an On Line Course

How to Assess on an Online Course
Firstable I would like to make a distinction between evaluation, assessment and how assessment has to take place. Michael Harris and Paul McCann have defined:

What is evaluation?
Consideration of all the factor that influence the learning process such as syllabus objectives, course design, materials, methodology, teachers and assessment.
What is assessment?
Measuring our students’ performance or progress in any one of many different ways, diagnosing the problems and measuring the progress students make.
How should we assess?
Assessment must be done constructively, focusing on achievement rather than on failure, it should allow students to demonstrate what they know, rather than trying to catch them out. (1994).

Therefore to assess on line is easier than to assess in a classroom. Because teachers in a face to face class need to take care of every little detail. Some professionals on education have stated that the time to assess is too little so the teacher must consider a lot of aspects like, behavior, positive participation, questions from the students, to clarify doubts, comments on the issue, homework’s, assignments’, projects, working in teams, individually, peer correction etc., And teacher must have always present the time, to present the topic, to do exercises and the wrap up. Nevertheless the aim of the class must be consider as a first place if he/she has reached the goal of giving a good teaching, also the teacher needs to make a reflection on his/her own performance.

Teachers on an online course don’t deal with these kind of interaction on a 50 -90 minutes face to face class.  Teaching on line is already planned environment. Everything has been coldly calculated and the teacher can make a better judgement because the teacher has the time as an allied and the space. Teacher online works before to present the class, to make a schedule, calendar with due dates, upload materials to make them available for the students and all what is required to start up the course. Teachers in a classroom too but they deal with weather issues, attendance, attitudes from the students, classroom management, grouping, coming events not considered on the design of the course and the time is always consuming and never enough.

When it comes to assess on line teacher has a register[U1]  with the date, the hour, if a student has questions teacher on line can answer those questions, to go back as many could be required to the student production, provide feeds back to all the work from all the students is easier on line than in a classroom and the teacher can take more than one hour class in case he/she is not done on the assessment during the class. On the other hand in a classroom the time is limited and sometimes is just not possible.  For the same reason teachers are thinking on new techniques and strategies to assess students like:

“peer editing: where checking of students’ written work and correction of mistakes is carried out by other students.
Peer assessment: where students assess one another during class activities to assess is part of a whole process and is linked to previous considerations and aspects like the learning objectives, what are we going to assess from an element chosen always needs  to have been linked to previous work.
Some strategies and assessing techniques to consider to use on an online course.
Negotiated syllabus: Students’ needs and learning preference are taken into consideration.
Formative Assessment: Type of assessment which feeds back into learning and gives the learner information on his/her progress throughout a course thus helping him/her to be more efficient learner.
Item: Individual question in a test which requires the student or candidate to produce an answer.
Nonlinguistic factors: aspects affecting assessment which are not to do with language, but are more connected with other factors such as attitude, working within groups or cooperation.
Open- ended test format: test format that requires not specific response, but which is open to interpretation.
Strategies to avoid cheating:
Ask students to relate the subject matter to their own personal/professional/life experiences so their answers are personalized and difficult to replicate.
Require students to submit an outline and rough draft of term papers and essays before the final paper is due. This way, a professor can see the work in progress.
Give different questions to different students – construct a large set of questions from which an automated testing program can randomly select (i.e. a database of 50 questions with 10 randomly chosen).

Anna Ya Ni (May 10, 2014th) have stated that:  comparing the effectiveness of online and classroom learning, attempting to go beyond grades and to include a logical assessment of interaction, effective-
ness in achieving learning objectives, and student persistence. The results of this
study indicate that although student performance is independent of the mode of
instruction, certain courses (such as Research Methods in Administration) are
more challenging to students who persist in the virtual environment than in the
classroom. Furthermore, participation may be less intimidating and the quality
and quantity of interaction may be increased in online classes.
The findings have several implications for student learning, course development,
and curriculum design. Online interaction can be used to enhance learning,
especially for students who tend to be reserved in the classroom setting
(Document retrieved on May 10th, 2014 on the website: page 214).
M. Harris Glossary. Assessment (1994) Paul McCann.
Internet bibliography
Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning: Teaching Research Methods; Document retrieved from internet May 10th, 2014 on the website: www.naspaa.org
Strategies to Minimize Cheating on Line, Document “retrieved” from internet May 10th, 2014 on the website. www.ion.uillinois.edu


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